Cats are Cool. Since 2006, when the first cat meme appeared, they’ve been the undisputed meme kings. Get yourself a cat
ALIEN is a 100% decentralized protocol that supports the pTGC ecosystem by buying and burning pTGC along with LIQUID, BURN, & 808 on each transaction. Holders are rewarded with a consistent drip of pTGC & all of its amplifiers except for Energy. 1% of each transaction buys and burns ALIEN. The remainder of all the tax goes to buying & burning pTGC, the amplifiers mentioned, and also for rewards in all of them except for ALIEN essentially making ALIEN a deflationary asset. 100% of all initial lp's have been burned along with over 23% of the supply. Initially valued at $30,808. How TEDDY is to the pDAI & ATROPA ecosystem, ALIEN is to the pTGC ecosystem but a lot more rewarding and benevolent. We are the first meme token with rewards paying homage and tribute to the pTGC ecosystem & it's holders. Built by teh people for teh people! Stakers of pTGC who also held all of the amplifiers have received a 1:1 airdrop of ALIEN initially valued over $37k.