Monsters INC

The One MEME to rule them all, one meme to find them, One meme to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them
Monsters INC
Monsters Inc. Token, also known as $MIKE is a rewards token on Pulsechain that utilizes a 2% buy/sell/transfer tax to reward it's holders in the form of Richard Heart's incentive token also known as $INC . Based on the 2001 Pixar hit, Monsters Inc, $MIKE is a thoughtful combination of meme coin and stable token architecture. With a vast web of liquidity pools, the 2% buy, sell and transfer tax contributes toward rewarding holders when any of the assets $MIKE is bonded to move in any direction as arbitrage bots will seek to profit off of price discrepancies throughout the pools. This creates a perpetual rewards system in the form of $INC, which some argue will be the best performing asset in the Richard Heart ecosystem . There's no claims, no airdrops, no front-ends. The rewards system is built into the smart contract. Simply buy and hold $MIKE, then sit back and watch as $INC rewards flow into your wallet for as long as you hold . WAGMI We're All Going to Mike It ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ