Fur the cause!
Fur the cause!
PROJECT: ‘FUR’ THE CAUSE =========================== Again a new safe, fair and secure token project launch by Eloria Runs. If you are not familiar with Eloria Runs launches start reading our socials. =========================== Instructions: This token is being launched in community only, do not try to snipe it or ape on it in the initial launch you will be dumped, Instead follow the Eloria Runs tweet and join the community and wait until I post the safe CA. Read this post carefully because we have rules and we make sure there is no snipers or whales. This week is we will start a charity program on different social fields, launching as first a dog themed token with goal of funding real dog shelters. This will be our fifth token launch with 100% successful launches until now and as usual we will work to ensure again: No rugs or whales holding more than 3%. No snipers, insiders, or shady agendas. Decentralized, safe, and fair launch practices. Immediately given to the community as CTO This will be Thematic Token: Dog-themed with built-in charity funding. We will add development: Web dApp & Telegram App =========================== Tokenomics: Moonshoot launch Initial Liquidity: 5% allocation, distributed as: 3% -> Donations to dog shelters 2% -> Infrastructure and development 0% -> Personal (As a charity run all the allocations renounced and given to shelter donations) =========================== And incredible AI powered mascot, DOGGO to interact with he community in TG and Twitter is waiting for you