Yoshi is a young puppy from an impressive lineage of pedigree dogs. His father is the legendary dog named Neiro. Recently, Yoshi was adopted by a family friend living in the scenic Mount Fuji region of Japan, an area known for its snow-covered landscapes. Yoshi thrives in the snowy environment, delighting in the fresh mountain air as he playfully prances through the snow. His owners take pride in his distinguished pedigree, and his joyful nature brings them endless happiness. Yoshi also has a sister named Bonzai, and we’re currently in the process of contacting her family to gather more information and photos, which will be shared later. -------------------------------------------------------------- ヨッシーは、素晴らしい血統の犬の血統から生まれた若い子犬です。父親は伝説の犬ネイロ。最近、ヨシは雪に覆われた風景で知られる日本の風光明媚な富士山地域に住む友人家族に引き取られた。ヨッシーは雪の環境で元気に成長し、雪の中を楽しく飛び跳ねながら山の新鮮な空気を満喫します。 彼の飼い主は彼の優れた血統を誇りに思っており、彼の陽気な性格は彼らに無限の幸福をもたらします。ヨッシーにはボンザイという名前の妹もおり、私たちは現在彼女の家族に連絡を取り、さらなる情報と写真を収集しているところです。後で共有する予定です。