Rao Cash
Rao Cash
Rao Cash is the world's first smart hyperdeflationary decentralized digital cryptocurrency with a sustainable and innovative ecosystem, for financial freedom and independence. It will allow you to make instant payments and transfers anywhere in the world in seconds, with a focus on security, stability and innovation. With it, you can start maximizing all your investments in the safest way possible, which will eventually become even more scarce around the world, thanks to their automatic burning of 1% of every transaction. Our Rao Cash holders automatically get $RAO money in their wallet for simply keeping it in their portfolio. Keep an eye on your balance and watch it increase every second as all community holders receive a huge 8% commission on every transaction in the token chain. In addition, 3% goes into our insurance coffers to maintain a stable market price, marketing and further development. The entire community receives the highest fixed percentage of $RAO, and it's all fully automated. The main goal of the Rao Cash team is to make every person on earth financially free and independent. Only together with you we will become the most profitable cryptocurrency in the world and, gain financial freedom and independence for life. Join our community and become part of a global network of millions of users. What are the benefits of $RAO? Automatic accrual of interest in the wallet The 8% buy fee and 8% sell fee are redistributed to all our token holders. By simply keeping $RAO tokens in your wallet, you'll earn more coins, which are automatically sent to your wallet. And because of that, you'll earn the highest income in the world. Automatic LP A 3% buy fee and 3% sell fee are added to liquidity to ensure the $RAO token's collateral value rises and reliability in trading. Insurance Treasury 3% purchase commission and 3% sales commission are added to the insurance treasury which will be connected to the multi-chain farming and building business to exponentially increase your profits by about 100% per year and provide stability and growth. Auto Hyper Burn 1% buy commission and 1% sell commission are automatically burned thanks to our Hyper Burn auto. In order to reduce the overall supply and help the price rise over time. Low commissions in the network The lowest percentage commission on international payments and transfers in our ecosystem - 1% commission worldwide on transfers and payments within the network. Zero Wallet $RAO We will burn 35% of the total $RAO tokens issued at launch to ensure scarcity and reliability of the token, some of the LP liquidity we have blocked. 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD RAO CASH INSURANCE TREASURY All deductible % commissions from purchases and sales are automatically distributed to all of our holders. A portion of the charge goes to the treasury to maintain the minimum value of $RAO and its stability. BUY & SELL FEES TREASURY 3% of commissions from purchases and sales go to our insurance treasury to maintain a stable price for any market drawdowns. In addition, part of the money will go to pay for new listings on the new world exchanges. Another part will go to good marketing around the world to attract millions of new users. And also, part of the money will go to the further development of our Rao Cash ecosystem. The insurance treasury will maintain the $RAO price at any drawdown in the market and thus will not allow the price to fall, but will steadily increase it. This will ensure constant growth and make the price as stable as possible.1% of the money from the insurance treasury will go to buy diamonds and gold, which will be stored in our RaoBank, another part will go to the construction of housing and resorts on the beach, giving you +100% net profit per year. With an average market capitalization of $100,000,000, our holders receive an 8% commission, which amounts to $8,000,000 in net profits that are distributed to our community.Let's work together to kill the market capitalization of bitcoin and become the most profitable cryptocurrency in the world. In 1-10 years, we will kill the market capitalization of bitcoin and reach a market value for 1 RAO = $1000. You receive 8% of purchases and sales for each transaction throughout the day. All payments are redistributed to all holders automatically. This is the highest remuneration percentage in the world.With us you'll get 8% per day from just one transaction in our network - 248% per month - 2,920.08% per year.