AppleVisionPro Coin

The Legend, The Champion, The Meme – Celebrate Michael Buffer’s iconic catchphrase with a unique meme token that embodie
AppleVisionPro Coin
Ever wondered what we're up to? Well, here's the scoop: we're gearing up for something big! While our marketing efforts are in the works, we're diving deep into creating 3D NFTs on Solana, featuring stunning spatial Butterfly designs. Our app, compatible with Apple Vision Pro, will showcase these beauties. It's a journey with some hurdles, but trust us, it'll be worth it. Early supporters already see the daily grind on our Telegram updates. Although we can't spill all the beans just yet, stay tuned for exciting developments! Here's our roadmap: Stage 1 - Q1: Getting the ball rolling with Initial Development and Exchange Listings. Stage 2 - Q2: Implementing Spatial NFTs Technology. Stage 3 - Q3: Integrating the App with Apple's Vision Pro for seamless NFT Display. Stage 4 - Q4: Expanding our reach and enhancing the ecosystem. And let's talk tokenomics: - 10 Million tokens, all in circulation. - LP burned for transparency. - No pesky buy or sell tax. - No limits on transactions.