Lux Token
Lux Token
Lux: The Multiplayer Internet, A Unified Way to Navigate the Internet on Blockchain Technology. Unlock Multiplayer Browsing. Explore a Digital Universe Composed of Shared Online Spaces. 🛸 With Lux every website transforms into a unique planet filled with activities and multiplayer features. This is the only overlay you will need while browsing the internet. 🪐 Hang Out And Play Easily: Jump into games and hang out with friends effortlessly in a space designed for seamless interaction and enjoyment. 🚀 There Is No Place Like Home: Design and decorate your own cozy corner of the internet where you can express yourself, unwind, and connect with friends in a setting that's truly your own. 🌌 Explore The Infinite: Embark on a journey through the digital cosmos, where every unique URL is a world of its own, waiting to be explored. Uncover the diversity and richness of the internet's landscapes, one click at a time.